Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Review for Forever...and 365 Days by Ulrike.

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A better life will naturally come your way, once you have mastered the art of right thinking. In her new inspirational book ULRIKE chronicles the thoughts and applications of a metaphysics teacher and author. She places great emphasis on making happiness your goal in life by applying scientific and practical methods. 

“My book shows the’ how and the why’ of application in simple steps and by examples. It includes stories of real people,” Ulrike says, “I want to make sure that you get a clear picture and realize your potential, which can be achieved through your own right and good thought.”

We have to reeducate and retrain ourselves to think and act correctly. It is a daily task. Minute by minute we must be aware of our actions and make certain that love is our motive in everything we do. Love is the motivating principle of all things and Love is the mother of our being. Let us return to this source of all bliss, let us enjoy our health, wealth and happiness - now and forever…and 365 days.

   From the Author

Last year, when I was just about ready to send the manuscript of my first book "...because you can!" to the publisher, I realized I had so much more to say. I love the daily discipline of writing, and even though I produce articles for magazines, and quotes, and healing thoughts for my social media on a regular basis, I am always urged to write more by the higher self.

It dawned on me over New Year's Day that this was the opportunity to chronicle the unfoldment of a searcher's mind - my own - over the course of a full year. As a New Age teacher constantly searching for more enlightenment, it occurred to me that my own thoughts, my own challenges and solutions, my own applications of Truth and my own searching for more Understanding, would be of benefit not only to myself, but also help many others who are ready to tackle their own understanding of life and what it means to them. This was my concept in writing this book.

Life lives and will go on forever, but we are still dealing with 365 days a year with our human experiences, whether it be the joys and rewards of a life well spent, or challenges and tribulations from issues that arise day to day. We are still here - right now.

This book is a compilation of my thoughts and my daily diligent mental applications. They are my experiences, proving over and over again that thought is causative. You will see the daily chapters at times jumping from one subject to another, but this is how my mind assimilated new ideas and has looked at fresh concepts. Being an avid reader, I have incorporated my findings after studying the texts of other metaphysical authorities, and it reflects the conclusions I came to and the mental growth I experienced.

Students, readers and strangers alike, have contributed their real life stories to make this a living document. It is a vivid picture of what happens to all of us in this stage of unfoldment. Characters and their woes in need of improvement, personal tests, and many valid inquiries are portrayed as practical as possible. I'm sure many of you may relate to more than one chapter and see your own life's reflection and experiences in the stories I have shared.

You are the 'light that shines for all eternity' make it the best 365 days you can, this year and every year, as long as you shall live on this plane!

From the Inside Flap

Is it right or is it wrong? Is it good or is it damaging? Why do we have to ask ourselves these questions all the time? We have double standards. We believe that evil is real. We believe that something can harm us. The truth is, however, that we are perfect beings of light, indestructible and pure. We have only fallen into the mist of misunderstanding and are acting according to our fears.

It is a life time task to sort out these wrong beliefs and teachings. We have to reeducate and retrain ourselves to think and act correctly. It is a daily task. Minute by minute we must be aware of our actions and make certain that love is our motive in everything we do.

Love, not emotion, is the key to our transformation from caterpillar to butterfly. Love is the motivating principle of all things and Love is the mother of our being. Let us return to this source of all bliss, let us enjoy our health, wealth and happiness - now and 'Forever...and 365 days'.


Born in Salzburg, Austria, ULRIKE began a career in Entertainment Events in 1992 at a major Hollywood Studio, a position that would span nearly 20 years in the world of motion pictures and television. During this period, she continued her intense studies, teaching and writing about her passion - her metaphysical findings.

In 2011 ULRIKE decided to pursue her path as an inspirational author/writer and metaphysics teacher full time, guiding her students through private classes and workshops. With her concept of right thinking, under the name "Modern Thought Theories", and her books "...because you can", "Inspire your Day!", "The Seeds Will Sprout Somewhere", and her newest work "Forever...and 365 Days", she is reaching out to students en masse who are also searching for more meaning in their lives, exposing them to the power of right thinking and the application thereof.

ULRIKE lives in Los Angeles, California, and frequently writes for several inspirational on-line publications and print magazines, producing over fifty articles about the workings of the Mind and the Laws of the Universe.

My 5 Star Review

I received this book from the author for an honest review.

A Daily Journal that will challenge you to a better life. Everything is explored in this journal, your mental stability, spirituality and your believes. I found for myself a few things that I could relate to and apply in my own life. Addressing things that were stumbling blocks and helping me to make better choices. 
Your believes creates your world and how you see it, but those same believes can be harmful to your mentality, physically and spiritually. Thought provoking wisdom to make you think and take a look at your life. Influencing your body and mind.
I like the personal accounts of people in the book, as the author illustrate a new principle or thought to make it real and tangible. "Application is the only key to a successful and fulfilled life", says the author and I do agree with her, without applying what you have learned it only stays theory. It must become part of your thinking process to see the results of what you have learned. 
There are twelve chapters in the book, each represents a month of the year, each a building block that touches everything in your life. Making it personal and to the point. What you discover with your senses, your relationship with yourself and others, choices, dealing with issues you are struggling with for a long time. The power of Love and how it applies to you. God and your relationship with him. Highlighting medical symptoms, its affects and how to overcome it by applying positive thinking. Embracing changes and to let go of the things in the past. Rooting for yourself, you are your own cheerleader.
It gives you a better understanding as you meditate upon the words making them your own and applying it in your life. The result would speak for itself.
There are many more things I can say about this book but each person seeking for Truth will find its own truth within. There is no wrong or right answer but I can leave you with this one thought:
"A shift of consciousness to a higher dimension is inevitable, because progress is a law of life."
At the end that is what we all strife for, to be a better person than we were yesterday.
I can highly recommend this book to seekers of Truth, spirituality and mental stability. It is easy to follow and understand as you read the thought for the day and embracing life.

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